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Canadian Deafblind Association - BC Chapter

For almost three decades, the CDBA Chapter in BC has been dedicated to providing support and services to individuals who are deafblind and their families.

Young girl in blue shirt with white polka dots in a wheelchair wearing a green bone conduction hearing device and playing with shiny crinkle paper. She has her hand on top of an adult’s hand, using Hand-under-hand exploration.
Hand Under Hand at home with Mom


Early Intervention Program

Work with families of children ages zero to five who have been identified with deafblindness and help them to transition into the school system.

Intervention Program

These programs provide services that allow children and youth with deafblindness from the ages of two to nineteen. Intervention allows them to interact more fully with their environment.

Summer Recreation Program

Provides opportunities during the summer for members to explore new activities and develop social relationships with other children and youth with deafblindness.

Virtual Recreation Program

This program provides opportunities for individuals with deafblindness, their Intervenors, and families to come together virtually to sing, share and create.

Hospital Intervention Services Program

Designed to provide individuals with deafblindness and their families with services with an Intervenor while they experience challenging medical situations in a hospital setting.

Sensory Clinics

Tailored to the need at the time, Sensory Clinics can range from a 2 or 3-day weekend Clinic, or they can be a one-day clinic where the children rotate through the stations with their Intervenor, or the Sensory Tent can be taken as a stand-alone clinic to special events for an afternoon.

Sign up for our newsletter

Twice a year, Spring and Fall, we send out a newsletter to share news of happenings and information in our organization and within the world of deafblindness.
Picture of the first page of the CDBA-BC Spring/Summer 2021 Newsletter. A collage of photos of children and adults doing fun activities around the CDBA-BC logo. Below the photo is a list of topics ‘In this issue’ and an article about CDBA National.