Logan Campbell
Logan will greatly miss wandering the halls of his school. Although he graduated in June 2020, he took on an additional year to allow for a smooth transition to his adult programs.
Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, this did not go as planned, so his future is still unclear.
Soon his path will be paved and we know he will be happy in whatever the future holds for him.
Congratulations Logan on a job well done!
Katie Ladd
Katie is a bright young woman. Although there is no grand graduation ceremony due to the pandemic, she’s “so excited to be graduating and having no more school!”
Katie hopes to work with dogs and cats at the BCSPCA – she has a special place in her heart for animals, especially her dog, Mumbo. Katie dreams of vacationing in Disneyland and meeting the characters of The Avengers and The Descendants. We have no doubt that Katie will make this happen!
We wish you every happiness, Katie!
Bryan Hu
Bryan is a hard-working and engaging individual.
He plans to take Social Sciences at UBC or SFU in order to become a Policy Maker, Bryan is determined to make the world a better place for the disability community and wishes to advocate for persons with disabilities.
Bryan also dreams of travelling the world – Germany, France, Britain and Japan (to name a few). We know he will make great strides and will be a success in whatever he takes on!
Congratulations Bryan!